Technical Info for Technical Recruiters

EDIT:Originally posted 2012, updated for 2016…

I am a mid-to-advanced-career techie. I have been working in, on, around, near, over, under, and through computers and networks for  literally as long as I can remember. I got my first computer at 10, now almost 30 years ago, and was the local geek for years. I’ve been paid to work on computers for nearly 25 years. I realize that doesn’t make me an expert per se, but it means I have a bit of insight into the tech world. Sure, there may be more knowledgeable people for this post, I concur, but it seems nobody else has taken the time to set it to text.

So, here goes.  TECHNICAL RECRUITERS: you could learn a lot by paying attention here.

A technical job is going to be able to be broken down into a few categories. Many of these overlap, and I understand it gets confusing, but here’s a few quick breakdowns:

Job types in tech fields:

Administration world… (Key words: Microsoft Windows, Linux, Unix, HP-UX, AIX, Solaris, Sun, Active Directory, Virtualization, OpenStack , AWS, VMWare, LDAP, Apache, IIS, LAMP… ) Continue reading Technical Info for Technical Recruiters

How to configure mrepo to mirror Red Hat’s repositories for multiple versions and architectures!

Have you ever needed/wanted to set up a single Red Hat Enterprise Linux server to sync all you servers to for package updates? 32 and 64 bit machines pointing to the same server? Different distros on the same server? Here’s how…

This tutorial is for setting up mrepo only. It’s the first part of setting up a Spacewalk instance to mirror RHN. If you’ve already completed this, go on to Part Two…(coming soon)


Part One: Setting up a mrepo server to mirror RHN’s Satellite repositories.

Continue reading How to configure mrepo to mirror Red Hat’s repositories for multiple versions and architectures!