Me with the Skyhawk II in 1995.

Getting back in the cockpit again.

I am a bit stoked. I’ve met with a new CFI (certified flight instructor, for those not in the know), and starting back up with my pilots certifications- gonna work on getting my IFR and multi ratings. I haven’t been in the air in more than 10 years, and I’m really missing it. Just starting this blog got me thinking about it, and a few weeks ago I made some calls, and found a nice little Cessna 172 with my name on it.

I went and checked it out, and much to my chagrin, it was bigger than I remembered it being.

Me with the Skyhawk II in 1995.
Me, in the only picture of myself where I can actually claim to look "pretty cool".

Now, keep in mind, I’m a fairly big guy. I’m 6′ 4″, and at least 275. Ok, I’m freak-of-nature big. At any rate, I fit in the plane then, although I remember it being very tight. The gauges and dials were essentially 18 in long tubes that stuck into the dash, which meant the dash itself stuck into the cockpit at least two feet from the firewall.

The cockpit I remember...
This is what the cockpit looked like when I started flying...


It looked exactly like this. Note the fancy thing where the hula-girl would go on the dashboard. That’s a compass. An old-school magnetic compass like grandpa used to keep on the dash of his Buick or Lincoln. Also note the lack of an 8 track player. I think those were optional back then.


And now we have a glass cockpit.
This is a modern "glass cockpit". Thank you, technology!


The newer cockpits still have the disco-ball compass on top, but it’s now relegated more as a backup than as the primary method of navigation. What’s less noticable is the dimensions: the dash is a good 8-10 inches shallower than it used to be. That means that even though I’ve expanded a bit, the whole area where you make it go vroom-vroom-vreeeem grew to accomodate me, even if just a little bit.

I am so excited I’m having a time containing the glee. I have literally been dreaming about fly-bys, crosswind landings, and varible speed propellers for the last two weeks. (Now the scantilly clad bikini girls are in the back seats, and the mile high club has at least been discussed.) I’ve ordered a headset cam, and will most definiately post videos as soon as I make a few.

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